
Video: What can we learn from the Qatar World Cup?...
Zara Mohammed looks at what we can do to raise awareness about Islamophobia and how best to tackle it...
Taj Ali asks whether Muslims should build community movements to tackle Islamophobia rather than rely on institutions...
Zara Mohammed, Secretary General of the MCB, stresses the importance of freedom of religious practice...
Taj Ali explores Rishi Sunak's appointment and asks if 'brown faces in high places' really make a difference...
Writer Soukeyna Osei-Bonsu looks at the racism that exist within parts of the Muslim community with a particular focus...
‍Zara Mohammed on the intensifying backlash around the suggested British embassy move to Jerusalem and what UK Muslims can...
Taj Ali on Leicester's recent tensions between Hindus and Muslims and looks at the historical solidarity between south Asian...
Islam Channel columnist Zara Mohammed looks at the launch of MCB’s ‘Proudly Muslim and Black Report 2022.’...
Hamza Ali Shah looks at the weeks since the death of Queen Elizabeth II and wonders why dissenting voices...


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