The London Palestine Film Festival (LPFF) returns this November, bringing a powerful selection of films that offer profound insights...
The Jewish Chronicle is in crisis as it faces serious questions over its journalistic standards and opaque ownership after...
School teacher Marieha Hussain has been found not guilty of a racially aggravated public order offence for holding up...
The Green Party is the first political party in England and Wales to officially recognise Israel’s actions in Gaza...
The Palestinian Authority conducted a funeral procession in Nablus for Ayşenur Ezgi Eygi, the American-Turkish activist killed by Israel...
The annual Visit My Mosque campaign returns on the weekend of September 28-29, 2024, when mosques across the UK...
Israelis from the ironically named ‘Two Nice Jewish Boys’ podcast went viral after making genocidal comments about wiping all...
Penguin Michael Joseph is excited to announce that “Rooza,” the much anticipated 10th book by Great British Bake Off...
Four Muslim MPs and Jeremy Corbyn, elected on a pro-Palestinian platform in July, have formed the ‘Independent Alliance’ parliamentary...
Tommy Robinson planned to exploit Sikhs, Jews, and Hindus to turn people in the UK against Islam, according to...
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