Unarmed Moroccan man shot dead in Texas, shooter avoids arrest

The family of a Moroccan man shot dead in Texas while he was waiting in his car have sought more information after his shooter avoided arrest.

Adil Dghoughi, 31, was driving through Martindale when he was fatally shot.

The shooter, identified as 65-year-old Terry Turner, said Dghoughi was parked outside his home and was ‘suspicious’  

According to reports, the police said Mr Turner was being “cooperative” and had not been arrested.

“We just want more information,” Brahim Mellouli, a friend of Dghoughi told The Daily Beast. “We just want justice for him.”

An executive director of CAIR-Austin Faizan Syed said in a statement that Dghoughi was a victim of ‘stand your ground’ laws, which are particularly strong in Texas.

“We call for an independent and transparent investigation into the killing of Mr Dghoughi, who was unarmed and in his car when shot,” he said.


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